The African Organization for Rights and Development hosts a screening of the film FEMINISTS, which was organized by the Feminist Ta’a Ataneth Organization on May 5, 2024, in the capital, Kampala. This event is one of the events and activities hosted by the AFORD Spec. The participants interacted with the activity in an excellent manner, as there were many discussions after the film was shown. According to their vision according to the context and current conditions, the film also explained how the restrictions imposed on women due to culture or religion paralyzed the feminist movement and harmed women’s issues in Sudan. In the same context, this common phenomenon faces all women and girls in the world, is considered a different challenge to the environment and society, and directly affects their lives on the personal, public, and practical levels, as well as their political participation, levels of government, and decision-making positions. All of this was linked to the accelerating events in Sudan, the extent of the impact of the war on the Sudanese feminist movement, and their increasing suffering from violations of various kinds and displacement following the April 15 war in Sudan.